Munich July 15-29  Berlin from July 30



Curvy Escort FAQ

The rules of

Escort Dating

For my own safety, I will only meet you under the following conditions:

Hotel Date 

As soon as I have received your obligatory deposit*, I will reserve the desired period for you in my diary. On the day of the date (at least 1 hour before the date), please send me the room number of your hotel without being asked.

Home visits, Fly-Me-To-You/travel companion & 36h+ bookings

As soon as I have received your obligatory deposit*, I will reserve the desired period for you in my diary. For bookings of this type, I would like to have proof of identity. For this I need either your photographed identity card/passport (both sides) or alternatively you can write to me via your business email address and send me your LinkedIn profile.

Meeting in a public space

As soon as I have received your obligatory deposit*, I will reserve the desired time slot for you in my diary. Please send me a confirmation on the day of our date (at least 2 hours before the start of the date) that it will remain at the agreed meeting point.

I will keep your name absolutely confidential. Your data will remain private – yours and mine.

*Deposit: 20% of the fee + travel expenses (always incurred outside my hometown or city of residence); can be paid via bank transfer, Paypal or Crypto Transfer.

It’s great that you’ve plucked up the courage to enjoy an arranged rendezvous for the first time. Let me tell you in advance what you can expect.

Escort is not much different from modern online dating. But instead of leaving everything open, we agree in advance what we expect from each other and in what setting we will meet. On the date itself, it will feel like you are with a good friend who has clear intentions. But I’m sure you have nothing against that, do you? 😈😉

It’s important for me to know whether you have a certain fantasy or idea about our rendezvous. But please don’t drive yourself crazy if that’s not the case. The less planning, the more room for spontaneity.

Important: You can find more tips for escort newbies in the next 3 FAQ points.

As an escort, I am faced with the challenge of having to find out from a single message whether I am dealing with a suitable counterpart. It is therefore essential to make a good impression in this first message. Please pay attention to the following points:

1) Ask for a date in a targeted manner:
The more targeted your enquiry, the more serious it will appear. So please let me know in your first message where and when you would like to meet me.

2) Let’s don’t waste time:
If you have any questions, please write them to me summarised in a single message. Let’s just spend as much time as necessary philosophising about our date and devote ourselves to the real thing: the date itself.

3) Fancy some mental foreplay?
If you would like to have an intensive exchange before our date, let us make an online arrangement. Please note that this is not part of our date service. The same applies to sending pictures or erotic stories.

4) Never ask the 3 questions non grata
There are 3 no-go questions in the first contact with escorts, which should be avoided at all costs: The question about a more favourable fee. The question about unprotected intercourse. And the question of whether you could also meet privately (without payment). Just don’t do that! 😉

5) The most simple rule:
Both sides reliably stick to agreements made.

6) Fast & reliable processing:
I ask you to transfer the deposit for our date as soon as possible after agreeing our date frame.

1) Be a gentleman
Good manners are more than just etiquette. They give the other person a sense of security and thus well-being. Let’s be polite and well-disposed towards each other. I am particularly pleased when you open the door for me and help me out of my jacket. I see a certain parable in this: Because the more I can be a woman in our time together, the more naturally I want to let you be a man.

2) Let’s plan something nice
An escort date feels most like a normal date when it follows a natural flow. Maybe my date ideas will inspire you. And if time is a little tight, let’s start the date with a glass of wine or tea and see where the evening takes us.

3) Go with the Flow
Planning something special together can really energise our date. But when a plan degenerates into a checklist, natural passion quickly turns into pressure to perform. So let’s choose the middle way: It’s good to have a plan for the places we visit together but let’s keep an open mind about how we fill our time there together.

4) The lady is always invited
What is kept optional in casual dating is common practice in escorting: In the case of joint activities, the gentleman foots the bill and thus invites the lady.

5) The escort defines the boundaries
and the gentleman is invited to push them, even if not to exceed them. Especially if your ideas lie outside the tender area, we should talk openly about kinks and limits in advance. Find out more about my preferences on the dating site.

I hear this question from escort newbies again and again, but it can only be answered with the following words:

Our escort date will go the way we want it to go.

Right at the beginning of our rendezvous, you hand me the envelope with my fee. This allows us to leave the transactional part of the date behind us and devote ourselves to the real thing.

We usually start the evening in a cosy place to get to know each other. This gives us both the feeling of a natural encounter, which increases in intensity and intimacy as the evening progresses.

I will make sure that we have enough time for sensual dialogue. But everything between our first eye contact and the first fallen garment is up to both of us. There is no script. 😉


to Meet

Are you old enough to theoretically be my father, but not old enough to be my grandfather (65+)? 😉

You like frivolity (not a must), but class is mandatory. Your expectations of an escort date are not purely physical, because you also enjoy eroticism and interpersonal relationships on a sapiosexual level. And at some point in your life you have realised that generosity is rewarded beyond measure. And of course you pass the breefing without any problems.

Then you’re the one for me (for a while, of course) 😉


I am also open to bookings from couples (20% surcharge). Women aged 30+ are my favourite. I am not interested in younger couples.

I can be booked as a socialite as well as for sensual services. You can find details about the latter on my dating page under the “Sensual” tab.

You can book me as your alibi girlfriend, as an entertaining friend or as an escort for business events. My core areas for business companionship are design, psychology, IT, music and politics. You can find more information about pure companionship here.

We always meet at your place, never at my place. I prefer a nice hotel (min. 3 stars, good hotels in Berlin), but we can also meet in a private flat you have rented or an AirBNB flat.

If you want to meet in public, that would also be an option. However, if you want more than just company, our date should be moved to private premises (or a kinky club) at a certain point.

The customer breefing varies greatly depending on the date location. Please have a look at my breefing process that every client has to go through.

Get inspiration on my dating site.

Very important: I never have time “right now”. Please ask for a date at least 4 hours in advance, with travel time or for overnight dates at least 24 hours in advance 😉

As a self-employed person with a flexible schedule, I can make almost any time possible. Nevertheless, I prefer dates in the evening during the week or all day at the weekend. The date should not start before 10 am or after 11 pm (exception: travelling companion / Fly-Me-To-You, if not otherwise possible).

You can see which city I am currently in and what travel plans I have at the top of my website header.

We Go on

A Date

Please receive me with impeccable hygiene and freshly showered.

A few ideas to set the mood:

  • Get us a bottle of champagne (Dom Perignon Rosé) or wine (fruity, white or rosé) and chill it.
  • Dim the lights.
  • Turn on some music (sound station or hotel TV)
    If you would like a massage, please have a large towel ready. We will need a lot of oil.
  • Even if you don’t want a massage, it would be lovely if you could put a large towel in the bathroom for me if I want to take a shower at the beginning or in between.

You can send me your deposit (20% of the fee + travel costs if applicable) via bank transfer, Paypal or Crypto Payment. Alternatively, you can also transfer the full amount to me in advance.

Please hand over the remaining amount to me at the beginning of our date in an unsealed envelope or a similarly discreet, protected envelope (book, greeting card, etc.). Regardless of how well we know each other, the fee will always be handed over at the beginning of our date.

I’m the kind of person you can talk to about pretty much anything. If a question is too private for me, I will politely let you know. But when it comes to general topics, there are no taboos for me, only the limits of good taste.

I love thought experiments, exchanging opinions or when we share stories with each other. It’s particularly interesting when you don’t share every point of view.

And if you don’t know what we could talk about, let me get started 😉

I would be very happy if you make a special effort to prepare for our date and take the reins when planning the date. Proactivity is sexy. However, as an escort service is still a service, this is not a must.

I also find it incredibly charming if you bring me a small gift. But I would never expect that either. ☺️

Since I cannot guarantee that I will have more time after our date, I ask you to plan realistically but generously in advance.

Should I have time afterwards, please ask me if I would like to stay longer and hand over the difference* without being asked.

*if not available in cash, via Paypal, Crypto Transfer or Sofortüberweisung

Post Date

And afterwards?

You are welcome to write me a review after our date. I don’t need it, but I am equally against any form of prohibition culture. But I would ask you to only comment on our time together on civilised platforms (MC-Escort, Captain69,

We can build up a constant relationship with each other. This is possible as part of an arrangement or a virtual girlfriend package.

If we get on well, we would love to meet up regularly. If you would like to deepen our relationship, an arrangement would be suitable for us.

Let’s put it this way: I wouldn’t be an escort lady if I were aiming for a serious partnership. But only a fool would use the word “never”.

If you are absolutely sure that you have developed serious feelings of love, please approach me openly and honestly. I will answer you sincerely. But please be sure of two important things first:

  1. I very rarely fall in love and have never fallen in love at first sight. Therefore, I cannot take it seriously when such a request is made on our first dates.
  2. As a permanent partner, I am not a bit more affordable than as an escort. On the contrary. And I want to see you invest yourself in me – both socially/creatively and financially. Male energy is a must-have!